Code of Ethics
We encourage our members to accept the role of well-informed and articulate professionals and to admit openly when we are unsure of the proper course to follow.
We criticize those who would disparage a competitive product or service, in order to enhance their own products or services through unfair comparison.
We endeavor to develop a respect for precision and accuracy in the performance of our duties and to ensure to the best of our knowledge and ability that all we have claimed has been done.
We endorse the use of liability insurance to assure protection for our clients, ourselves, and our businesses.
We dedicate ourselves fully to these principles, confident in the belief that professionalism and honesty will ultimately prevail in the free marketplace.
I agree to abide by the NYSCSG, Ltd’s Code of Ethics during the term of my membership. I understand that failure to abide by these ethical obligations is a violation of NY Guild Policy and is subject to disciplinary action by the Board of Directors as outlined in our current by-laws amended and accepted on July 29, 2000. The NYSCSG, Ltd. will be held harmless for any action taken against me for disciplinary action. The New York State Chimney Sweep Guild is the largest state association of chimney sweeps in the country. Through strong membership, our association promotes chimney and fire safety programs for the public as well as providing education and training opportunities for our members. Member companies demonstrate an additional strong commitment to our trade, and to the safety of the public we serve.
Members must adhere to a strict code of standards of both ethics and performance. In return for their commitment to excellence, members have a strong support system and a board of advisors to help with challenging projects and issues. A newsletter filled with articles and industry happenings is a major benefit delivered to our members each month. Regularly scheduled training, educational and social events are eagerly anticipated and well attended.
The New York State Chimney Sweep Guild welcomes input and questions from consumers, public safety officials, and others with an interest in fire and chimney safety. Contact any board member at right with any questions or concerns.
New York State Chimney Sweep Guild
2315 Route 29
Middle Grove, NY 12850
Social Media