Dryer Vent Safety Information
Clothes dryers cause more house fires than chimneys do!
DRYER VENTS need cleaning, too, because dryer lint is extremely flammable. In fact, clothes dryers cause many more home fires each year than chimney fires do. Cleaning the lint trap on your dryer is only part of the maintenance needed, but please remember to clean it with every load of clothes.

If you notice that your dryer is slow to dry your clothes, a clogged dryer vent exhaust is likely to blame. This may simply be a buildup of lint, but birds and small animals love to build nests in dryer vents, which then obstructs the dryer vent’s ability to vent the lint outside. The dryer begins to work harder to do its job of evacuating lint and moisture and can become overheated, then sparking a fire beneath the dryer that quickly spreads to the dryer vent, and a quick and devasting home fire can then ensue.
The venting method on your dryer can make a big difference in safety and performance as well. Flexible aluminum pipe and plastic pipe ARE NOT CODE COMPLIANT and should be replaced, as these materials deteriorate quickly and are more easily crushed during installation, which reduces the venting capacity. Never allow a dryer vent exhaust to terminate under the house or inside the attic space.
Dryer vent cleaning requires the use of specialized brushes and other equipment to do a thorough job that doesn’t damage your system. After cleaning your dryer exhaust system, air flow gauges show improved air flow for optimum performance.
Some dryers are installed with very short runs of pipe that can be cleaned relatively easily by the homeowner, but complicated installations usually need special, professional-style equipment. Many chimney sweep companies offer dryer venting inspections, cleaning, and repair, so call one of our member companies today to inspect and clean your dryer exhaust system for optimum safety and performance.



New York State Chimney Sweep Guild
2315 Route 29
Middle Grove, NY 12850
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